Thursday, September 24, 2009

House of Shock on Fuse TV

Here is the special that Fuse TV did on House of shock. They filmed it last year, and at 4:53 you can (briefly) see me being tortured!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Corning Jazz Fest 09

George, Kaja and Colin...
at the Black and White Cookie Factory.
Many people came out in spite of the rain..
George is from Romania and Kaja from Slovenia

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Playing With James Galway

You can see a Video and hear the World Record Breaking Event at James Galway's website...

It sounds better than I expected 2000+ flutes to sound and lasted much too long :)
IF you're brave, watch the video and see if you can find me or any other of your flute playing friends.