The traveling sax player in the Gordon Clan leaves Milan shortly and is off to Rome!!! Let's hope he gets time to upload some photos.... I picked up this photo from
http://www.virtourist.com/europe/milan/index.htmlwhich helps set up tours in Italy.
As our children have grown and settled far from home, we hope to share images, articles, activities, etc. so that we can continue to be a presence in each others lives. Welcome to friends and family. 3/1/09 We are now opening up authorship to our extended family. Hopefully we can do a better job of staying connected in this way.! Feel free to leave a comment as you visit us here.
http://www.virtourist.com/europe/milan/index.htmlwhich helps set up tours in Italy.
He sure is traveling all over the place! Lucky kid to be able to do that and make music there also. He probably never wants to return home.