Does anyone besides me love a good game of checkers? When I was a kid, many a Sunday evening was spent playing checkers with my dad. He was on the road all week, and wore himself out doing things outside on weekends, but Sunday evening was often spent with fresh popped popcorn and a checker game or two. I must have picked up my musical ability and my mathematical abilities from my dad. He could also pick up an instrument and pick out a melody by ear but events in his life kept him from becoming the musician he wanted to be. He always said he was going to learn to play a keyboard in his retirement.
This photo shows my mom and dad at their 25th anniversary party. I was a college student at the time. My parents' good friends, the Colemans got the neighborhood to rally together and bring food and we actually pulled this off as a surprise.
I found this site on the Internet that lets you play checkers at various levels. I guess I'm addicted to it yet!!
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